My Libertine (Trio Book 2)
Title page
From the author
More From Joy
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 2016 Joy Blood
All rights reserved.
Trio Series Book Two
Joy Blood
Beginning the day being told how big of a disappointment I am always starts the day off right. Oh yes, I do love listening to my mother drag me through the mud at our nice little ‘family’ gatherings for brunch. To top it off the twins and their significant others are here. Jack and his wife Malibu Barbie are here, oh and James and his current girlfriend, Lee’s ex-wife. Nope, I’m not learning the bitch’s name either, neither of them.
Lee quit coming when James started screwing his ex. Fun family, right? Why am I here again? Ah yes. My mom is married to their father, John Smith. Not kidding that is his real name. She constantly guilts me into coming to these weekly Sunday brunches at this stupid want to be country club.
My mom and I have been through a lot, too much. She is the master of manipulation and the only person who can cut me to my knees with one simple sentence. Today is no exception.
“Shana dear.” She says in her best concerned motherly tone. Already she’s getting into her weekly ritual of cutting me down. Today I am wearing a black billowy tank top paired with my black skinny jeans and knee-high black boots. The shirt shows off my tattoo I got a while back with the girls, I'm sure she hates it. My shirt is baggy enough to hide my small yet prominent baby bump. She hasn't yet seen it and I'm sure she won't because she is too far up Barbie’s ass about how beautiful she and Jack’s stupid wedding was. She goes on about how she doesn't understand why I will not change my ways and find a decent man. Rolling my eyes I keep picking at the nasty egg fluff concoction that is placed in front of me.
“You know Shana dear if you would just grow up a little and stop acting like a cheap hooker you could land yourself a good boy like one of your brothers.”
“You want me to marry one of my brothers mom?” I ask in a dumb yet sarcastic tone.
“Of course not.” She huffs in a disgusted tone. “You know what I meant. Honestly John, what am I to do with her?”
“Oh, now sweetheart. If you want I can ask Bill at the Firm if his son is seeing anyone. He is a good boy, just graduated from Yale.” Then what the hell is he doing here? I think to myself. Yale my ass!
“Yale” she croons. “That is impressive. Isn't that impressive Shana?” she says bringing the conversation back to me.
“Oh yes, I must meet this man, bring me to him at once!" I say in a gallant voice while resisting an eye roll.
“Shana you are such a child.” More huffing from the woman. “Honestly, where do you expect your life to go? If you keep down this path…”
“What mom? What will happen if I keep going down this path? What will happen? Enlighten me please because last time I checked my life is pretty great. That is until I have to come here every week.” Gasps and chest clutching break out around the table. Though, looking at my mom and Malibu Barbie, they seem to be the most appalled by my rant.
“Shana you need to control yourself, you are embarrassing me.” She hisses.
“I'm embarrassing you? Seriously mother how do you think I have felt all those years when you were gone. Off with god who knows, leaving me home alone, while you were with your latest conquest.” I get cut off when John stands up.
“That is enough of your mouth young lady! You will not disrespect your mother that way.” Oh, but she can to me? I have had enough.
“Honestly what has gotten into you Shana?” mom asks. Maybe it is because of the hormones or maybe I'm am just plain fed up with her shit I need to let it all out.
“Well, I don't know mom maybe it’s because…” I stand up and smooth down my shirt. “My mom, the one person who is supposed to love me unconditionally, can’t go five minutes without ridiculing me about my life. Or maybe it is just hormones getting the best of me.” She zeros in on my movements.
“What are you saying Shana?” she asks with a perfectly drawn on eyebrow raised.
“I'm pregnant mom. Guess it’s too late for me. I have gone down that path. I'm leaving now.” I back away and start walking out the door ignoring all the staring eyes. Fuck them all.
I get to my car and just sit there in the parking lot, catching my breath. Holy shit did I just do that? I told my mom off. For the first and probably only time. I told the bitch off. Just when I think I am calmed enough to drive away there is a knock on my window. Turning I see my mom standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. Thinking maybe, just maybe, she is here to be a mother I roll down the window. I find I'm wrong in that hope.
“How far along are you? You don't need to go through with this Shana.” Is she serious right now?
“I'm keeping him." I state.
“Him. I see. Do you even know who the father is?”
“Nope, not a clue.” I lie. She makes a disgusted noise. “You know, dad was was happy when I told him,” I say knowing that it would piss her off even more.
“Dad…” she repeats me. “Then you don't need me anymore.” She sounds almost defeated. “Goodbye, Shana. When you come to your senses you know where to find me.” I'm shocked. She turns and I watch her as she walks back inside in her white high heels.
“I thought I fucking told you to get rid of that thing!” Chase yells at me in the parking lot of Starbucks. There are people looking and I'm not quite to my car yet. I'm carrying four coffees and a bag of muffins. My hands are full so to speak.
“Leave me alone please Chase it doesn't concern you.” I walk a little faster pressing the unlock button repeatedly on the key fob.
“It does fucking concern me you bitch. I told you to fucking do something and I expect it done. You had better not say a fucking word to my wife if she finds out you'll wish you would have listened.” His voice had dropped down to a quieter volume but people are still looking our way.
“Threatening me Chase?” I ask after I get to the door and put my things inside. I should have gotten into the car too but I suppose I'm a glutton for punishment.
“I'm promising you bitch, I have a lot to lose if she finds out. Don't fuck with me.” Prick.
“Don't worry, you weren't the only one I was sleeping with” I lie. “There were a couple other guys, the chances of you being the sperm donor are slim to none.” I'm lying through my teeth but if the asshole falls for it the better. He will have nothing to do with my baby’s life and if he thinks that I'm a slut in the process so be it.
“I want a test to be sure then.” Fucker.
“No, absolutely
not, just forget about me. I'm sure you can do that. You did it with your wife when you met me.” I know I shouldn't poke the bear but damn I can’t believe this guy. He hauls his hand back ready to hit me but gets pulled back last minute.
“Your daddy must have been a piece of shit to not teach you that a man doesn't raise his voice or a hand to a woman.” The voice sends tingles up my spine, so deep and forceful. He has an accent that sounds like he is from somewhere down south.
“Listen asshole, we are having a private conversation.” Chase tries to say but the man lets out a deep laugh.
“If it were private you wouldn't be in the parking lot of a damn Starbucks.” His voice is so damn sexy I have to check out the rest of him. Looking up I see that he is looking at me with blue eyes that look like sea glass. They are framed with dark eyelashes and he has a small scar under his right eye running along the top of his cheek a little over an inch long. His blond hair is buzzed off close to his scalp like he may have cut it not too long ago.
“I’ll leave, alright man.” Chase finally says then looks over at me. “I want that test done, I won't wait forever.” I don't even get to respond to his harsh tone before blue eyes is smacking him upside the back of the head as if he were scolding a child.
“You don't get to talk to her like that either. Now if the lady wants to talk to you she will, but it sure looks like she doesn't. So you will just have to move on.” Chase tries to say something else but gets interrupted. “No, you are done here, go on boy.” He says causing Chase to fume a little more but doesn't say anything else and walks away. Finally.
“Thank you so much,” I tell blue eyes when I finally find my words.
“No problem Dove, just don't like seeing a man disrespecting a woman is all.” That damn accent is so thick I want to ask him where his cowboy hat and belt buckle are. But decide against it.
“I… ah, well thanks again.” I tell him and go to get in my car.
“I take it he isn't too happy about the baby?” he says gesturing to my stomach which is huge thankfully I only have a few more weeks to go.
“Not that it is any of your business, no he isn't.”
“Sorry, I have a problem with overstepping. Names Row.” He says holding out his hand for me to shake. Taking it sends a tingle up my spine once more. I will blame the wet panties on the pregnancy hormones.
“Shana. Row? That’s different, short for something?” I ask still holding the man’s hand.
“Sure is.” Is all he says not going any further. He just looks at me, smiling.
“Not going to tell me what it’s short for are you?” I get a little flirty, I mean who wouldn't? I’d love to hear what Linn would say about him.
“Only two people know what my given name is, one is my mom the other, my dad. Sorry Dove I just met you, not going to be handing out secrets already.” He is flirting back and damn does it feel good. The last person to show a little interest was Chase and that was some time ago eight months to be exact.
“Oh, there you are Row baby I thought I lost you.” Some bleach blond chick comes walking up to us carrying a coffee. By the looks of her, it’s probably some nonfat soy bullshit. When I realize she is staring at our still joined hands I take mine away quickly. Then look up at Row to see him still looking at me. Clearing my throat I back away a little bit more. He shakes his head then looks over soy Barbie.
“Yeah sorry. I was just helping out Shana here. You ready?” she nods her head and he starts walking toward her. Then stops for a second to turn my way again.
“You take care now, Shana.” He says then continues back to Barbie wrapping his arm around her, walking to a large black pickup truck then opening the door for her. After helping her in he looks my way once more, and like an idiot, I'm still standing there gawking at him. He smiles and tips an imaginary hat rounds his truck and gets in. The loud black beast of a truck roars out of the lot leaving a gust of black smoke in its wake. Yuck must be a diesel truck, I hate that smell. Getting into my car my thoughts of Chase’s outburst are gone replaced with a certain deep southern accent and blue eyes.
One month and two very long overdue weeks, followed by four months after that…
Sleep has never been so precious to me, just as precious as the little bugger that keeps me from it. Karter Bruce Cloud. Yes, I gave him my dad’s name for his middle name. Our relationship has grown so much in the last year, and when I told him I was having Karter he was over the moon. Unlike my mom who hasn't spoken to me since I told her at brunch, been the best seven months of my life. I think it had a lot to do with the fact I told her Bruce, my dad, and I had been getting to know each other and was happy to hear he was going to be a grandpa. It doesn't matter anymore if she wants to reach out, so be it, but I will not waste my time trying. Not anymore, I have more important things to worry about in my life. Number one on that list is my four-month-old son, my world. My world who happens to be sleeping right now, probably going to be waking up any minute.
Lee and Linn are going to be here soon to take him for the weekend. Still feels weird to call Kyle, Lee.
I do believe that Linn is hooked on the whole baby thing and I wouldn't be surprised if she and Lee had one of their own soon, never thought I would see that one coming.
She and Lee got a place in a quiet little suburb shortly after they figured things out between them. She still gets pissed at him and comes over to stay for a night or two, but it has been happening a lot less lately, maybe she is growing up? That makes me laugh to myself, her growing up is like me getting more sleep, not going to happen.
Karter loves his catnaps only sleeping for a half hour or so at a time no matter what I try and at night I still have to wake up at least three times to feed him. Needless to say, he is growing like a weed. When he was born he weighed 9lbs 14oz, and has tripled in size it seems now.
I hear the door quietly open and then soft knocking, Linn must be here. People that come over know to be quiet because if they wake the baby, momma is going to snap.
“Hey, we’re here. Is he still sleeping?” she whispers. She is wearing jeans and a tee shirt, recently becoming her normal outfit, getting more laid back with the makeup too. I think Lee has much to do with that, making her feel loved and more confident. Today I see she isn't wearing any makeup on her face and her hair is up in a messy bun much like mine. Messy buns, ponytails, I rarely have my hair down. I hold up the quiet monitor and nod yes to her.
“Its fine you don't have to whisper, he needs to wake up anyway if you guys are going to take him. Where is Lee anyway?” My step brother and I have had a rocky relationship at best I have only just recently been able to look at him without wanting to deck the guy. My best friend is in love with him and he treats her like a princess so that helps.
“He is out playing with the buttons in the new car we just got.”
“New car? You mean he got rid of the Jeep? That thing was cool as hell.” not really something to put a baby in, but cool.
“Yeah thought if we were going to be taking Karter and what not we should probably have something that’s always enclosed, it can still pull his boat though. Just a different kind of jeep, I don't know what the hell its called, but its blue.” That is probably her only knowledge on vehicles, the color. Not that I'm much better.
“Well, blue sounds cool.” As if on cue Karter makes a little squeaking noise on the monitor. “Oh, he must have heard auntie Linnie.” Just then Lee walks through the door with Cristal and Dez.
Now don't even get me started on those two. I swear one week I think they are together then the next day she is complaining about him having a new girlfriend, I really don't get it because the guy is helplessly in love with the girl, you can see it every time he looks at her.
“I will go and get him.” Linn tells me heading off to my room to get Karter.
“What do you think about bull riding Shane?” Dez asks me, catching me off guard, he really doesn't seem like the bull riding type to me. Ripped jeans, piercings,
tattoos, yeah not really feeling it. He just recently cut his hair, though. No more man bun for him. Now he has his head shaved on both sides sporting a short Mohawk. It looks good on the tattoo god. Oh yes, he is still sexy as hell.
“Um I never really thought about it.”
“Some guy came in and got a tattoo done, gave me five tickets as a tip. You want to go, I'm taking marshmallow here” he says referring to Cristal, “Rick said he would go and is bringing Check. One ticket left, just for you.” His damn Aussie accent is so sexy I really don't know how Cristal can keep her hands off of him.
“Yes I suppose I could use a night out, sounds fun.” I haven't really watched bull riding I do know cowboys are hot as hell. Instantly a pair of blue eyes I could never forget flashes through my mind.
“Cool, we will pick you up around five, sound good?”
“Yep sure does, see you then.” With that Dez gives Cristal a quick look then is out the door. I really wish she would talk to us about what is going on with them two.
“Well got him all packed up and ready to go, say goodbye mama,” Linn says coming out of my room holding Karter, he makes my heart melt every time I see him.
“Goodbye baby, mommy will miss you,” I say taking him from Linn’s arms and hugging him to me. Kissing his head. I go and put him in the car seat, getting him all strapped in for the ride.
“Alright little man,” Lee says grabbing the car seat. “Uncle Lee and you are going to have some fun this weekend aren't we?” He really is taken by Karter, I can only imagine what he is going to be like when he and Linn have kids. We say more goodbyes then they are gone leaving the apartment so quiet it feels weird to be here.
“You want to start getting ready? This is your first time out since Karter was born, we have to go all out.” Cristal says heading to my room. Now, my ass and boobs may have gotten bigger but thankfully the rest of me is slightly back to proportion after Karter was born so I am able to fit in my clothes. I go for my jeans that have a few holes in them and black tank top. Oh my black boots and black leather jacket, the usual for me. My signature messy bun and a little mascara to finish it off. I really don't go all out like Linn would, all that glam really isn't for me.