Rico’s Way Read online

Page 6

  "You're buying a house? Don’t you need your chair?" she asks both questions in the same breath, not pausing long enough for me to answer either one. "Why would you buy a house?" Another question.

  "Ree, quiet. Let’s just go in and look, all right?" I walk past her to the door and bend down to grab the key from under the mat like the email instructed. I step inside to an open area, living room to kitchen. The place is dated and could use a few cosmetic changes, but that isn’t anything I’m concerned about. "This place is huge," Ari says in wonderment as she makes her way past me. "A little old, but it has potential," she offers, looking back at me. "Why are we looking at this house, Rico?" she asks again, only this time softer, unsure.

  "Can’t raise a kid in the clubhouse. He's going to need a backyard. A dog and shit. Kid stuff." I go to the hallway where two bedroom doors sit opposite each other. Both rooms are empty with a closet in each.

  "You don’t know whose—"

  "Not talking about it now. Just look at the house." I don’t look back at her, but I know she leaves. When I turn around, I see she’s walked to the other side of the house to the master bedroom. I leave her be, go to the sliding door off the side of the kitchen, and step out onto the deck, leaning against it to take a little pressure off my back.

  The lawn is overgrown and untended, but the yard is fenced in with one lone tree perfect for climbing. Something hits my chest—a need of some kind to see my and Ari's kids climbing that very tree while she sits in my lap on the deck. I didn’t think I would want such a thing in my life, but being here, right now, I know I do.

  Getting it will be a bigger challenge than just realizing it.

  Chapter Twelve


  He wants me to live here with him. Me and my baby. The baby he thinks for certain is his. I know I was with him first, but the sinking feeling I get when I think about the situation gives me doubt. Remembering the conversation I had with Premo when he came back through Cental yesterday, my heart squeezes.

  "You're not sure, huh?" I shake my head, gut churning with guilt.

  "No. I’m sorry."

  "It's okay, Ari. We were never exclusive, I know that. You don’t owe me a thing. If the baby turns out to be mine, I’ll do whatever I can to help. Even if it's not."

  "Even if it's Reek's?" I ask, shocked.

  "Yeah. Listen, I don’t know the story between you two—I didn’t think you guys could stand each other—but I want you to know you are welcome in Siberia anytime." The offer sucks the air from my lungs.

  "Okay. I...I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you."

  "I mean it. You are always welcome. You don’t have to come back with me now, but if you decide it’s what you want, I'll be there. Come to me if you need to. Promise me that?"


  "How’s the room?" I startle out of thinking about Premo and his offer as Rico comes into the large master suite. "The tub is huge," I say, turning to face him.

  "You good?" His brows knit together as he regards me. I can only nod. His movements are slow as he walks into the big bathroom and sits down on the edge of the tub. I want to chastise him for not using his chair, but decide against it.

  "What are we doing?"

  "Looking at a house," he deadpans.

  "You know what I mean, Reek. What are we doing?" He looks up and extends one hand out toward me.

  "Come here," he beckons, his voice hoarse but adamant. I take a step to him, but I don’t place my hand in his. As soon as I get close enough, he clasps his rough palm around my hip and pulls me forward until I’m directly in front of him. Between his legs, he traps me close and keeps his hands firmly in place. "We are going to move into this place, and you are going to have my baby," he states, as if he just told me what the weather’s going to be like today.


  "I don’t give a fuck whose DNA the kid has. He's mine, and so are you." Moving his hand from its place on my hip, he snags the bottom of my t-shirt with his thumb and pulls it up far enough to see my stomach. "Mine," he whispers as he brushes his lips along the slightly rounded flesh. At twenty weeks the roundness of my belly is small but noticeable.

  I try to suppress the tingles his lips send through my body, but it's no use. My breaths stall as his fingers flick open the button on my jeans and pull the zipper down. "Reek." His name is a moan as his lips trail along my heated skin. He drags my pants down my waist to my knees.

  "These are so simple, but fuck are they sexy." His warm breath wafts over my panties. Just plain black cotton panties. I never found much need to wear the silk things with lace or thongs. Too uncomfortable and not worth it. In my experience, it’s what’s under the material men crave.

  His fingers hook into the sides of my panties, and he runs the tip of his thumb over the crease of my mound, just barely grazing over my clit. "Oh..." I hiss at the contact. "I..." I don’t get to say anything more before he slides my panties down far enough to gain access to my sex with his tongue. I gasp at the contact as he spreads me open enough to drag a long, fluid lick along my seam. My hands fly up on their own accord to grip his hair. His groan when I pull spurs me on further, and my hips jerk on their own, closer to his talented mouth, bucking in rhythm with his tongue. "I’m going to come." My voice is breathy and unrecognizable as the tremors start to ripple through me. "Ahhh..." My body goes lax, but I somehow keep myself standing, probably thanks to my death grip on Rico's head.

  "You taste sweeter now. If that’s even possible," he says as he pulls my clothes back over my hips. The realization of what he just did hits me, and I back away.

  "I...we can’t do that." I push past the lingering haze of my orgasm.

  "Why not?" He pauses. "And don’t you dare fucking say because of Premo." His eyes narrow at me, already knowing what I’m thinking.

  "He doesn’t..." Shaking my head, I back farther away.

  "You're mine, Ree. Not his." His voice is terse as he jerks to his feet.

  "What if the baby is his, Rico? I’m not going to keep him from seeing his kid, you know that. He deserves to be a part of his child's life, just as much as you if it turns out to be yours," I defend. He has to know I’m right, but his stubbornness and ego are making him an ass.

  "Let’s go." He walks past me and the front door slams shut seconds later. I take a few minutes to collect myself before following him. Looking at the big mirror, my flushed cheeks are the first thing I notice, then it’s the small protruding of my stomach when I turn to the side.

  "You’re getting bigger, aren’t you?" I say to my unborn baby. "Who is your daddy, little one?" I let out a frustrated sigh and give my stomach a rub before walking outside to get in Rico's truck. Not one word is spoken on the ride back to the clubhouse. When we pull in, he waits long enough for me to get out of the truck before he backs out of his parking spot and drives away.

  "The fuck is he headed?" Sam says, coming from the shop, wiping his hands on a blue towel.

  "Couldn’t tell you. He's in a mood."

  "You don’t say?" I cock an eyebrow at his sarcasm. "You going to take Premo up on his offer?" he asks, catching me off guard.

  "What? How...?" my words stall as he walks closer to me.

  "He told me what he said to you. Asked if I would get you there if need be. Said I would." He shrugs like it’s no big deal.

  "But you're a Rider—Rico's brother."

  "Yeah. Sometimes going against a brother is the right thing to do," he says, then turns to leave. "Let me know if you need me." His voice trails off as he walks away.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I know she’s right about Premo. The guy will want to be involved in his kid's life, and if it turns out to be his kid, I stand to lose them both. Why the fuck am I such an asshole to her? Can’t do shit about it now, I guess. I brush my hand across the scruff on my face and lick my lips. I can still taste her on my tongue. If I hadn’t used all my strength to hold her up and lick her pussy, I would have dropped her rig
ht down onto my cock and made her come a few more times.

  Sitting outside the relator’s office, I sift through my glovebox to find a joint, light it up, and take a long, drawn-out drag, not caring that I’m on the main street of Cental. The pain in my back has intensified. I need the quick top off before going inside and buying the house. I don’t give a shit if she plans on living there or not. She will, she just doesn’t know it yet. After taking a couple more pulls, I put the joint out, place it back in the box, then get out of the truck. The pain is dulled just enough, but still prominent. My first surgery is in days, and it can’t come soon enough. I didn't think I would want to be going under the knife again, but the promise of possibly being able to lose the pain and function normally makes me want it even more. It’s a gamble, but being a whole man is what Ari needs—not half of one surrounded by a haze of weed.

  * * *

  After shaking hands with the short blonde woman I’ve endured countless advances from in a short amount of time, I take the keys from her extended hand. "Congratulations, Mr. Cabrera. You are now a homeowner." I grip the keys in my hand and walk out of her office, thankful to get away and feeling just a little lighter than I did walking in. About fifty-grand lighter. I have more than enough, so I don’t pay it any mind. Since the place was empty and I paid the full price outright, shit moved quickly. I only had to sit in that office for five goddamn hours while she kept pulling her top down just enough for me to get a view of her plastic tits, but things got done.

  I get in my truck and make a few calls before taking off back to the clubhouse. I need to get some things set up before we can move in. That involves my computer and telling the woman who’s going to be living there with me. She is going to pitch a fit, but I don’t give a shit.

  * * *

  Scrolling through the websites, I order what I want—or need—for the house, then I check my emails, hoping for one in particular. It’s there. The name and address of the woman I’m now looking for.

  Stephanie Rocardio. Last known address Price Montana.

  The address is six years old, but it's all we got. I press print for the info, then hear the door to the room open. "Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you were here," Ari says, and I turn around just before she starts to back out of the room.

  "Wait." She pauses, but doesn’t look at me. "I know I’m an ass." She scoffs at the word. "Okay. Maybe a big one,” I admit. "I bought the house."

  "Oh." Her voice is soft, but I can hear the surprise in her tone. "Rico, I don’t—"

  "I would like you to at least think about living there. With me," I add, rolling toward her. "My surgery is next week, and I want you to be staying there while I’m at the hospital. It’s close, so you won’t have such a long drive to work. I'll rest easy knowing you’re close."

  "Okay. I will. But only on one condition." I raise my eyebrow. "No more fighting about the baby. I can’t keep having the same argument over and over again. This baby is mine and mine alone until he or she is born and we can find out who the father is. Until then, I won’t hear another word about it." I grind my teeth together in annoyance. The woman knows how to push my buttons.

  "Fine," I concede between clenched teeth. "I will try to back off. But that doesn’t mean I won’t touch you, Ree." The last part comes out in more of a growl as I reach out and pull her down onto my lap.

  "Rico. What are you—let me go." She struggles a little before I shift her so she’s cradled in my arms.

  "Shhh." I drag my palm along her jean-clad thigh up to the hem of her shirt. My other hand cups the back of her head, and I bring her face to mine, leaning in just enough to capture her lips. "Can you taste yourself on me? I have tasted you all day," I whisper along her still parted lips. Her breath hitches as I drag my thumb down the seam of her jeans, pushing just enough to apply pressure to her clit. "Tell me, Ree."

  "Tell you what?" she rasps, still not moving.

  "Tell me you want me inside you. Tell me you want my cock." I nip and grab hold of her bottom lip with a gentle tug before letting it go. "Say it." She shakes her head.

  "No, Rico." She pushes herself away from me. "I can’t just...this is so confusing! You have been such a prick to me since I met you, and now all of a sudden you just flipped this switch and started saying I belong to you. What the hell happened between now and then?"

  "I should have done something about it before."

  "Before what, Rico? Before you made me feel like shit? Before you let me know I was nothing but a whore?" She lets out a forced laugh. "I have dealt with that shit enough in my life, and to come here, to a place where I felt like I belonged for once in my life…you took that from me every time you opened your mouth. You have been nothing but a bully to me, and I don’t think I want anything to do with a bully." She starts toward the door.

  "Fucking hell, Ree. Don’t you fucking leave," I growl at her and bolt from my chair, the nerves in my back protesting at every sudden movement. "I know I’ve been a dick..." I grab her arm to stop her from leaving, "but I'm not letting you run off to him."

  "It’s not your call who I run off to. I’m. Not. Yours," she hisses between her teeth jerking her arm from my grip. It pisses me right the fuck off, and I open my stupid fucking mouth to say more words that will hurt her. "You are nothing more than a fuck to him. A warm hole for him to sink his dick into." Her reaction to my harshness shows no emotion, "You think he’ll make you his old lady? Do you know what happened to his last kid?" This catches her attention and makes me an even bigger asshole.


  "He never told you about his son? How he killed him? I’m sure it’s a good story. You should ask him about it when you get there." I’m a jealous asshole, and I fucking know it. I’m driving her straight to him, but I can’t stop myself.

  "You are a fucking asshole." She pauses to wipe away a lone tear from the corner of her eye. "You know what? You have a good life. I'll send you the results in the mail." Her words are clipped, and she rushes out of the room, away from me. God damn if I didn’t just fuck up royally.

  Fucking royally.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Storming out of the clubhouse, I run right into Sam—literally. “Shit, Ar.” His hands go out to steady me, but I’m fuming. I don’t want to stop and cool off. “Ari! Look at me,” he shouts as I try to bypass him. I still don’t talk, only shrug him off and go right to my car. Inhaling deep, I try to calm myself so I’m not driving like a crazy pregnant lady. There’s one place I have in mind to go, but I need to make a stop and a few calls before I go.

  I pay no mind to the rumble of the motorcycle that’s followed me from the clubhouse to Vin and Ellie’s place. Nor do I spare him a look as I get out of the car and slam the door shut behind me. He can just sit there and wait, report back to Rico for all I care. “Ari? What’s going on?” I shake my head and storm past Ellie to my room…well, Kimi’s old room.

  “I just need to pack. I’ll be out of your hair in a minute,” I tell her, knowing she’s standing at the door watching as I toss things into the bag I found at the bottom of the closet.

  “What did he do?” A tear rolls down my face, and I shake my head, wanting so bad to put it back where it was. I don’t want to shed any tears over him.

  “He is such a prick, Ells. I thought I could put up with it. I really tried. But it just isn’t going to work. I don’t even know what his angle was for having me stay with him at the clubhouse. And now with him buying that house and saying he wants me to move in with him…”

  “What? Rico bought a house? That’s—”

  “Crazy!” I yell, slamming a pair of shoes down onto the pile of clothes. “He can’t go five minutes without being a dick. How the hell am I supposed to live with him? No, not going to do it.” I go back to the small dresser to see if there’s anything I forgot.

  “Where are you going then? To Premo?” she asks, crossing her arms now.

  “He made it clear I’m more than welcome to stay with him.�

  “And what about Rico?”

  “What about him!” I pause, trying to calm myself. “Rico has been nothing but a bully to me since I got to the clubhouse. Now? Now, he’s saying my baby is his and buying houses and telling me to live with him.” Letting out a frustrated groan, I flop down onto the bed, spent. “What am I supposed to do with that, Ells? Every time he touches me, I fall into him, then he opens his damn mouth and breaks the spell.”

  “Running away isn’t going to help the situation. Unless…”

  “Unless what?”

  “Premo. Do you want to be with Premo?” Her words give me pause, as if the thought never crossed my mind. Being with Premo was never something I thought about further than the bedroom. It was never an option. Could it be an option? Do I want it to be?

  “I don’t know.” I shake my head. “I do know I can’t stay here. I have vacation time I can use. Maybe I’ll take a leave of absence.” Ellie only nods, but I know this woman, she wants to say more, but for my sake, she isn’t. She only comes into the room and hugs me.

  “I’ll have Vin bring your things out to your car. Is Sam going to escort you?” I laugh at that.

  “Probably. He followed me from the club, probably on Rico’s orders.” She gives a soft smile, then hugs me again.

  “Drive carefully, and stop if you get tired.” She lets me go and helps me pack the rest of my things. “I have another bag you can use. This one is a little on the small side.” I nod as she leaves. My phone chimes, letting me know I have a text, but when I bring it up, I see it’s Rico telling me to come back to the clubhouse. I ignore it and put my phone on silent, ready to get out of here for a while.